Monday 17 December 2018

Top 3 Fun Facts About New Zealand

Kia ora everybody. I am back!
I have started the Summer Learning Journey. 
The Summer Learning Journey is where you do learning over the summer holidays.
For Week 1 Day 1 Activity 1, I had to find out 3 top fun facts about New Zealand from a website.

Here are my Top 3 Fun Facts that I found out:

1: New Zealand is one of the world’s least populated countries with over 4 million populations

2: New Zealand is part of the Pacific Rim of Fire and its most active volcano is Mount Ruapehu, found in the middle of the North Island

3: New Zealanders love cars with 2.5 million cars for 4 million people making them one of the countries to have the highest car ownership rate in the world

Thank you for reading my blog post and good luck if you are participating in the Summer Learning Journey too.
Blog you later!


  1. WOW, that is cool

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hello Jaimie,

    Welcome to the Summer Learning Journey. Congratulations on completing your very first post for the summer. I am so excited to see so many of the students from Waikowhai Primary kick starting their journey so early. This is incredible.

    What a great way to start your journey, you have shared some fascinating facts. I learnt so much about about our beautiful country after reading your post. Such as, that Aotearoa is part of the Pacific Rim and Mount Ruapehu is the most active volcano. That is phenomenal, but not suprising. Scientists are constantly sharing news that the Ruapehu crater lakes temperature is rising and they are keeping an eye on the activity. I used to live in Taupo, so this was always exciting, but scary to hear. Have you been to Mount Ruapehu before?

    You have shared three very fascinating facts about our country, Aotearoa,
    It’s awesome to see that you have included some great information about your home country. Please remember that when you find information online you must put it into your own words. Please rethink and re-word the parts of your post that are not in your own words. This will help me see that you have put a lot of thought into your activity and I can be sure that you have not copied it from the internet.

    For future posts, please make sure any information you use is paraphrased (written in your own words) to make sure you receive full points for activities.

    I cannot wait to see more impressive posts from you over the summer, Jaimie.

    Kindest regards,

  4. I love this Jaimie you describing words are powerful and I love how you wrote your facts in your own words.


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