Monday 7 January 2019

Water for a cactus in a year

Hi everyone!
Did you know that cacti can survive with only 3 millilitres a day of water?
For Week 1 Day 2 Activity 3 in the Summer Learning Journey we had to think that we had gotten a cactus for our birthday and had to look after it. Then we had to figure out how much water the cactus would need for a year.
I figured out the answer. It is: 1095 millilitres.
I hope you enjoyed my blogpost. Blog you later!


  1. Hello Jaimie

    My name is Daniel and I am part of the Summer Learning Journey program. Well done on completing this Summer Learning Journey activity! I think you did a great job. I find it really hard to believe that anything can survive on that little water a day - I get super thirsty and drink several glasses of water a day. I probably wouldn't make a very good cactus. Anyway, keep up the amazing work Jaimie - I hope to see more activities from you soon!


  2. Great calculating Jaimie. That's an interesting fact to know. Keep up the good work. Dad xx

  3. Hi Jaimei

    I learn so much with does interesting facts, good job. Form Pao :D


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