Friday 16 August 2019

Term 3 Narrative

Cinema to cinema to cinema
Bonjour everybody. I am back!
In Term 3, the senior syndicate wrote some narratives about their holidays. We had to plan our writing. First, we had to plan the setting and the character. Then we had to plan the opening, the problem and the climax. Finally, we had to plan the solution. But, we had to add a twist to our story to make it more exciting and exaggerated. We then had to plan strong vocabulary to use in our story. After that, we had to plan a hook sentence and a title and then we could start writing. Once we were finished writing our narrative, we had to do two stars and a wish with a partner. Two stars and a wish is where you get a partner and they give you feedback on your work. The two stars are what they think you did well and the wish is something they would like you to improve. Nicholas did two stars and a wish for me and I did two stars and a wish for Ayva.
The title I gave my narrative was: Cinema to cinema to cinema.
If you would like to read it, then click on my title below.

I enjoyed writing my narrative. It was really fun. I loved that we had to add a twist to the story. My favourite part from my story is when we keep interrupting the staff member. This didn't actually happen. It was part of my twist...
Thank you for reading my blog post. Please feel free to leave a comment.
Blog you later!!!

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome story Jaimie. I'm so glad we didn't have to quite go to that many cinemas before we got to watch it though. Keep up the good work :)


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