Tuesday 24 December 2019

SLJ Week #1 Day #3 Activity #1

Hey bloggers,
I am back! Here is Week #1 Day #3 Activity #1:

My three super-powers I would like are:

1) To be a really really really good football player because even though I'm a girl, I'm really good so I want to change the world's opinion that boys are better than girls at football.

2) To be able to become invisible so that I can do secret pranks to people.

3) To have super-speed so it can help me with my pranks

Thank you for reading my blog post & super-powers. If you have any free time, please leave a comment. Please be sure to stick around for my next Summer Learning Journey post. One way to do that is to subscribe to my blog by email.

Blog you later!


  1. Salaam Alaikum Jaimie, I hope you are having a fun day!

    I am Pao from Waikowhai Primary School. Your blog post is amazing! I very like the powers you will have. I like the first one because you will have the ability to be good at something you like, and I totally agree to chnage the worlds minds that boys are better than girls (Boys and Girls are both good;-) Is football your favorite sport?

    I also like the second one because you get to be invisible. You get to go places you cant go (But don't do that on real life) By the way.. It is awesome to have the ability to go places nobody have seen before. It will be funny to do pranks and people don't know its you.

    I also like the thrid one because you get to have super-speed! You will never be late to school! That will be real good. I will use the super speed to win races in the Olympics. That will be fun! It will be good to hurry up when you are doing a prank, so it will be useful to have super-speed to do pranks to friends.

    This is such an amzing blog post. Good job Jaimie! Keep up your amazing work

    ~Pao :-)

    1. Thanks for your feedback, Pao.

  2. Selamat pagi Jaimie, happy Wednesday!

    Thank you for posting about the three superpower you’d choose. I like how you’ve written about why you would choose these particular superpowers, it shows you’ve really thought about this activity. I would choose teleportation because being able to travel the world and not have to pay for flights would be amazing!

    If you were to choose a power that would help people, what would it be? Who is your favourite superhero character?

    Have a great rest of your day,
    Eliza :)


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