Monday 20 April 2020

A Pet Parrot

Hi bloggers,
I am back!
I've been working on a slideshow about my study for a pet parrot. Here it is:

I hope you enjoyed reading my blog post. If you have any free time, please leave a comment. Are you planning on getting a pet bird?
Blog you later, bloggers!


  1. Talofa Jaimie.
    You have spent a lot of time putting all this information together. I like that you have presented your ideas in a creative way and you have thought about every possible idea. I would like to know what your parents thoughts are about having a pet parrot and have they set some conditions? I know you have pet cats as well, have you thought about how having a pet bird will affect them?
    Keep up the great blogging!

    1. Hi Mrs Jones,
      I have talked to my parents a lot about it. I haven't gotten that far. All I am asking of my Mum and Dad is that they treat it for worms and mites and that they pay for the vet fares. But, if I have to do those myself if I want a bird, I will. I will have to train the cats to not disturb the birds. I don't thing they will disturb it as much as other cats, though as they weren't interested with the fish. I will have to shut the cats in another room when the bird comes out of its cage, though.

  2. Privet Jaimie,
    Your blog post was really great!
    You must have spent a long time on that slideshow.
    It must be really exciting about getting a pet.
    Please visit my blog
    Ma te wa


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