Tuesday 21 April 2020

Me Drawing Bird in Lockdown

Hi guys,
I am back!
I have today drawn some birds. Here they are:
Blue Budgie

Male Cockatiel
Yellow and Blue Macaw
I am gonna make a whole big page of them called the bird wall. This is the bird wall so far. I will keep adding on pieces of paper every time I do a drawing of a bird.
Bird Wall
Thank you for reading my blog post. If you have any free time, please leave a comment.
Blog you later!


  1. Hello Jaimie. Wow! I've seen you've been drawing birds. Your Drawing is Amazing! I cam't drwar as good as you. I'm actually very bad at drawing but I'll improve it. You can vist my blog on https://aamenas.blogspot.com
    The shorter way is wpsaamenas.blogspot.com
    Have an amazing day BYE!

  2. Hi Jaimie,
    Amazing drawings! Those birds look incredible. It's great that you thought of that idea of making a bird wall. It's also great to see the different types of birds. I love the coloured page for the background. This piece is very eye-catching and it stands out a lot. Have you seen those birds before?

    Keep up the magnificent blogposts. Make sure to comment on your friends blogs. Blog you later!!!

  3. Maidin Maith Jaime,
    Your blog post was really great!
    I loved you excellent drawings! I love drawing and art and you can check out the drawings on the link.
    Which part was the hardest to draw?
    Please visit my blog
    Ma te wa

    1. Hi Catalina. You are my buddy for Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu!
      The bird that was hardest to draw. Hmm.. You would think it would be the macaw but for me it was actually the budgie. If you look closer, the budgie's head has a weird shape; that is why it was the hardest to draw.
      Thank you for commenting on my blog, Catalina.
      Blog you later!

  4. Hi Jaimie, it's great to see you blogging during lockdown. What fantastic bird drawings! I really like the idea of a bird wall. It is looking impressive so far with the different birds and different colours. We have a lot of native birds round our home, as we back onto bush. This morning I was looking after our little grandaughter outside and I heard birdsong that I've never heard before. I tried to spy the bird singing, but my little grandaughter was running off. Sadly I had to stop my search.
    What inspired you to make a bird wall. Where will you put it when it's finised?
    Keep up the great work and remember to to share your fabulous home learning with us.

    1. Hi Mrs Paterson,
      I just have a love for birds! That's what has inspired me. Also, why I love birds is because I have had great experiences with them! At Animates, there was a bird that would climb all over me! It was the best! Sadly, he got adopted by another person. And, he only pooped on me once! I will put the bird wall just on my wall! I will tape it or blutac it to my wall. Thanks for visiting my blog.
      Blog you later!

  5. These drawings are very detailed Jaimie - and along the same theme of the presentation you sent through to some of us...are you any closer to achieving your aim of getting a pet parrot? We've had a lot of bird life in our garden during the lockdown - maybe it's because there is less traffic around so the birds feel bolder. We've had Tuis, Rosellas, Wax Eyes (I think - they are little and have bright eyes) and even a Kingfisher on the gazebo. The boys chirrup when they see the bird getting close, but none of them are fast enough to catch a bird so it's ok, the birds are very safe. Have you been completing any other types of drawing during the time at home? Keep up the awesome blogging Jaimie!

    1. Hi Miss McGrath, I have only made 3 more bird drawings; which I will soon blog about. The drawings are a toucan (keel-billed), cockatoo (sulphur-crested) and house finch. I think I am getting closer to getting a bird. Recently, I worked out that it may take me as long as 7 years to save up! But, I haven't added any discounts yet so it will probably only take around 5. I also got another $2 for tidying my room without asking so I am putting that towards my goal. Also, my family probably will support me so I will have some help saving. The bird that you thought was a waxeye was probably one. They can also be called a silver-eye. Here is a link to some photos of a wax-eye/silver-eye:https://www.google.com/search?q=waxeye+bird+nz&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjdydWUpJHpAhWRzHMBHSfPAA4Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=waxeye+bird+nz&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzICCAA6BAgAEEM6BAgAEB46BggAEAUQHjoECAAQGFD5KViRQWCPQmgDcAB4AIABiQKIAfcLkgEFMC4yLjWYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZw&sclient=img&ei=ZVyrXp2DBZGZz7sPp56DcA&bih=665&biw=1310&rlz=1CAHLQR_enNZ898&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=C6j25zhp2HAcVM
      Thanks for visiting by blog! Blog you later!

  6. Hi it is Mahdi I like how you drawn them they are great

  7. Hi Jaime, I like the way you drew your birds and showed the names of the birds. Maybe you could draw some trees for the birds you drew? My favourite bird you drew is the Yellow and Blue Macaw. Which is your favourite bird drawing?

    1. Hi Jaycee,
      Thanks for the compliment. The idea of trees would look cool. Thanks for the idea. My favourite is the same; the yellow and blue macaw. It was also the easiest to draw. I got all of these drawing tutorials from: how2drawanimals.com
      Go check it out! If you want to draw the yellow and blue macaw, here is the link: https://how2drawanimals.com/8-animals/253-draw-blue-yellow-macaw.html
      I hope you enjoyed reading this post, Jaycee.
      Blog you later!

  8. Great pictures and a great idea to make a bird wall. What is your favourite bird? You could make a bird feeder for your backyard, we are planning to make one.

  9. Hi Danielle,
    Thanks for the compliment. I have many favourite birds. My favourite pet bird would probably be a cockatiel; then a budgie/budgerigar. My favourite WILD bird, however would be a macaw (All kinds); then a toucan.
    I could make a bird feeder. We were going to but then we can't find the materials we need to make one easily. It is really cool that you are trying to get the wild life into your garden! Maybe you could make a blog post about it?
    I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post, Danielle.
    Blog you later!
    Jaimie :)


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