Tuesday 12 May 2020

The Great Realisation

Hi everyone,
I am back! For Reading today, I had to record myself reading out a poem. The example was a video on Youtube. Tom Foolery reading his latest poem, The Greatest Realisation was the example.
It is a really cool poem. Have a watch:

Now, here is me reading the poem I chose:

Thanks for reading my blog post. Hope you enjoyed reading it! If you have any free time, please leave a comment.
Blog you later!


  1. Isn't it the coolest poem! So love it. Great expression in your own reading Jaimie and always a great kids poet to read aloud. Make sure every word is heard clearly by the audience, they want to get into the story of the poem and when they do, you have them hooked! Nice post.

  2. WOW! You are really good at reading poems with expression! I Think in the future you should be a poet writer. Your expressions went with the poem really well and making your own poem. Amazing! Sometimes when I read a poem I don't make expressions. You should share your poem at school and read it like you did.
    Maybe next time you could add like some style to it or act it out with your family. Could you make a poem with a play in it? Well anyways, You have done fantastic, so stay safe and keep well!

  3. I love it Jaimie. Great acting too. Well done!

  4. Privet Jaimie,
    Your blog post was really great!
    That was a beautiful poem; both his and your poem.
    Next time maybe you could talk a little louder because I couldn’t hear you.
    Please visit my blog
    Ma te wa

  5. Hi Jaimie, I am Anna in Mokoroa. I watched this video before and I did not know that you got sent it because my Mum got sent it too. Why did you tell us to wear sunglasses? I hope that you can comment on my blog (https://wpsannab.blogspot.com/) or on someone's blog in Mokoroa. Blog you later.


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